Half Gone...!
Half of the life is almost over now! Which is the best half? The preceding part or the rest? Well… what just concluded was the less responsible half and the next is the more accountable half, is it?
Whatever! Big thank goes to my Great Mum and my fiancé for all the exertion done for the celebrations, though I didn’t care much. Thank you!

Hey Buddy, Whats up man, It's me sandanuwan. First of all happy B'day to ya. Your blog is cool too. Hope the best part of your life will be the next part, with your fiance + children + money + mum, enjoy your life... I think you have got my email address incorrect. Contact me via sandanuwan@gmail.com Don't forget to meet me next time when you come to Malabe.
Thanks for the wishes man! Its pretty cool to meet u after half a decade. Cheers!
Happy birth day man guess what
Mr. unanimous Amila!
Thanks for the wishes! Now only I got to know that your birthday too were on the same day. Best of the wishes man! You have born on a lucky date because one GREAT guy also was born on the same day ne
hey happy belated birthday. now we want cake :D
Hi buddy,
HAPPY (belated) BIRTHDAY !!!
Hope you'll enjoy every moment of the second half of your life...
Have a Gret Year Ahead Man.Sorry i didnt remember about your B'day.nd it never hppen again.anyway when is da b'day Treat ???
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