Thursday, August 03, 2006

A New Day!

I said good bye to e-Com Associates Inc. yesterday after being there from day one of the company, for more than two and half years, as I am joined hands with Genesiis Software today.

e-Com is the place from where I got the opportunity to learn how genious people, how generous people are there in the world and how idiot people, jerks are there in the world. It gave me the exposure to this industry and I learnt the abc of carrier life in this field from e-Com.

Lots of people came in and gone, I learnt something from each and everyone. I take my hat off for all you guys out there. The most important thing I got there is W#. Well he is the ONE.

My Guru, my boss, my friend, ……………… no words…

You are the biggest thing that I am gonna miss from the dawn of next morning. But you won’t be able to escape from me that easily, I’ll keep bothering you J Difference is you are not at my next desk from tomorrow. None has helped me as u did!

I am not that happy to say ‘Cheers!’ to e-Com. But because Wela and couple of other good people are still remaining there, I must wish them Luck!

I just started the second chapter of my IT Carrier by starting my work @ Genesiis as a SE today.

a New Day! New Strength!

Nothing is forgotten, Nothing is ever forgotten…!


Blogger Chandana N. Athauda said...

Charith, I miss you too… But, “nothing is forgotten, nothing is ever forgotten” as you said… I wish you all the success and victory in your life…

Friday, August 04, 2006 11:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Charith,

wish you all the best for beign there with me in all the difficult times.

wish ya all da best in all your future events :)

dont forget that we got lots and lots of work to do in the future :)

Sunday, August 06, 2006 5:01:00 PM  
Blogger cps2005lk said...

hmmmmmm t i have to say buddy? I also in da same Boat.Just started new life in a new Wish you all the best in the future.I donno i will get a chance to vsit you as i did b4.Wish ya good lick on your new life....

Tuesday, August 15, 2006 9:02:00 AM  

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