Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Sick of IE7 beta

Though IE 7 is released quite a long ago, I have not moved towards it, until this morning. IE7 beta installation was a big mess coz it asks for a mandatory restart of the machine and it wedged my MSN Messenger Live as well.

Let’s forget about the installation process, but after using this for few hours, I felt so sick about the product. The main cause is it takes a hell a lot of time to render a page. First I thought this is due to the all new phishing filter which is added to increase safety. But the situation was even after disabling the feature.

Of course they have added cool features like tabbed browsing, RSS feeds, increased security features and it also allows PNG alpha level transparency. But some of these things were available with some other browsers like mozilla and opera since ages now.

After considering all the pros and cons I have decided to rollback the browser to my good old IE6. While trying to find a proper rollback process I got to realize that I am not belonging to a minority who felt the same.

Anyhow this is not to accuse the reputation of IE7, its still in beta and still evolving things. Therefore it’s cute to provide a feedback to
http://connect.microsoft.com/ and let them know what we felt.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've got one word for you.


Wednesday, July 05, 2006 12:26:00 AM  
Blogger Charith Jayasinghe said...

Well my anonymous pal, i was using Firefox as well coz i need more than one browser to test applications. Agreeing that Firefox is a GREAT bowser.

Anyway as i mentioned i didnt protest about the negative facts of IE7, coz its still in Betas. As usual we will get a good outcome at the end :-)

Wednesday, July 05, 2006 10:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I recommend you dont test your applicatons on beta software...

How do you know If any error comes out like some styles are not rendering.. How do you know that error is from your Application or on the beta software..

Friday, July 14, 2006 1:20:00 PM  
Blogger Charith Jayasinghe said...

Yes Guru jee, Agree!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006 10:14:00 AM  

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