Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Sensation of Blogging

Having a blog is not gonna be a loss for you anyway, except it makes you rich. I have faced such an incident last week, proving this fact. But this is not the precise time to reveal it. Wait for another two week.

@ Future Minds

Whole last weekend was tightly occupied as I was there to represent the Sri Lanka .NET Forum at the ‘Future Minds’ education fair held at Convention Center. The exhibition was not a big gala. But the time spent there was bit valuable to spread a word about the forum among the crowd.

On the last day of the event Fazmil (the big kid) and my self did a kinda rare deal which happened between MS and Redhat people by exchanging goodies peacefully and we got a big set of Redhat caps, which had a high demand among visitors.

Cheers for everyone who got together around us!

And the time is good to start a photo blog :-) Will write one of my own.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Where Zidane Haggard on FIFA Finals

The most memorable moment of the World Cup final, Zinedine Zidane's butt to the chest of Italian defender Marco Materazzi, was rightly punished by a red card even though the officials did not appear to see it happen.

The incident in the second period of extra time brought a premature end to the great midfielder's career and he can have no complaints about the justice of it.

He might, however, have cause to question its legality as it is against FIFA rules for TV pictures to be used as a basis for a refereeing decision.

Materazzi collapsed, Zidane continued on his way and the game continued. It had not gone completely unseen, however as several Italian players, with Buffon the most vociferous, approached the nearest linesman demanding action.

Replays were shown on the hundreds of televisions in the media seats, raising an audible gasp.

As the mayhem continued on the pitch Argentine referee Horacio Elizondo consulted his linesmen and, so it was later discovered, the fourth and fifth officials, who have access to TV but may have seen the incident live.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Sick of IE7 beta

Though IE 7 is released quite a long ago, I have not moved towards it, until this morning. IE7 beta installation was a big mess coz it asks for a mandatory restart of the machine and it wedged my MSN Messenger Live as well.

Let’s forget about the installation process, but after using this for few hours, I felt so sick about the product. The main cause is it takes a hell a lot of time to render a page. First I thought this is due to the all new phishing filter which is added to increase safety. But the situation was even after disabling the feature.

Of course they have added cool features like tabbed browsing, RSS feeds, increased security features and it also allows PNG alpha level transparency. But some of these things were available with some other browsers like mozilla and opera since ages now.

After considering all the pros and cons I have decided to rollback the browser to my good old IE6. While trying to find a proper rollback process I got to realize that I am not belonging to a minority who felt the same.

Anyhow this is not to accuse the reputation of IE7, its still in beta and still evolving things. Therefore it’s cute to provide a feedback to
http://connect.microsoft.com/ and let them know what we felt.