Thursday, December 29, 2005

Gift for the New-Year

I was suffering from no-computerathomenia (it’s a disease) from quite a long time. My boss gave me a gentle treatment for this severe pain. He gave me his ex-workstation for my home use. Now I don’t wanna spend hours till late night at office for my lessons and experiments. No words to express the gratitude. No one will do so… Thanks!

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Memories of December 17

Here are some of the snapshots taken at my day out with batch mates on December 17 @ Dampe Village Resort.

More images ...

Thks W# 4 all imaging resources.

Going Vegetarian

There are as many reasons for becoming vegetarian as there are vegetarians; it's a highly personal and individual decision to make. But in a survey conducted on behalf of The Vegetarian Society the majority of people said that they gave up meat and fish because they did not morally approve of killing animals, or because they objected to the ways in which animals are kept, treated and killed for food.

With the growing awareness of the importance of healthy food, many people are also becoming vegetarian because it matches the kind of low fat, high fibre diet recommended by dieticians and doctors. Concern about the environment is another factor as people become more aware of the effect raising animals for their meat is having on the environment. Or you may be concerned about wasting world food resources by using land to raise animals for meat instead of growing crops that can feed more people directly.


Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Christmas Gift

We were gifted a dazzling cocker spaniel dog last morning, when I am at the vet with one of my other doggy. This beautiful female dog was about to give away free of charge by her owners and we were lucky enough to get her under our roof. But I got to keep her at my fiancé’s residence coz I already have three doggies at my place.

Celebrations and Mourning...

This is the festive season of the year as well as the time to lament, we can not fail to remember the disaster on Dec 26th.

I got to chip in to couple of Christmas parties during the weekend, the hardest thing was to stand ahead my eating habit change. Anyway I was able to win the game, its keep continuing…

Friday, December 23, 2005

eCarnival Snaps

I am much late to publish eCarnival snaps, Finally here they are…

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

A New Companion

Today I switched my phone from the rough-riding Siemens A60 to a Nokia 6610i. Though it’s not an ultra new model up to the date, this is a satisfactory phone for me after a long time.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Coool Outing with Buddies...

After a long time, we had a half a day fun time with degree batch folks at Dampe Village Resort, bordering Bolgoda Lake. Regrettably I had to give an exemption for my new rule only for today; otherwise I would have to starve the whole day. However I became the joke of the day, coz I have already shouted the buddies abt my policy.

Friday, December 16, 2005

On a Test Run...

I am on a test run for a period of one month commencing from today. It’s not about software or anything, to become a vegetarian… Sounds strange?, same for me. This is absolutely an unpredicted decision. Appreciate the support and the consent given by my family.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Towards Socialism

There is a shitty budget proposal in the new budget, if a television channel wants to telecast a foreign movie or a tele-drama; they have to pay a special tax or Rs.75k. Do we have good local movies to watch? Seems like the country is moving towards socialism.

Friday, December 09, 2005

98% on NLP

I am seeing the end of my biggest project up to now. No idea, when its gonna be launched or how many amendments the client will ask again. But now I have the benefit to continue with my learning again.

Though I started exploring Visual Studio 2005 on the first week after Teched, though I began Microsoft e-learning courses, since the beginning of the project, I paused all of them and dedicated my entire schedule for the development and for various explorations related to the application.

Now its time to conquer...!

Stupid Sri Lankan Politicians

Yesterday I left the office bit early around 1630 and was moving towards town hall. Police has completely blocked the road at the nomands grounds without letting at least to a pedestrian to cross the road for about 20 minutes. The reason was some VIP was about to pass the area. Why our leaders are that much frightened? They seek top security to travel even inside Colombo. While they block roads and traveling here and there inside sedans and SUVs, our brave soldiers are sacrificing their heroic lives to bombs during the ceasefire. Stupid politicians…

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

eCarnival Videos

Though I still didn’t found a time to put eCarnival snaps here, many folks have filled their blogs with images and videos. W# has uploaded cool video clips done by Manzi.

Despite the fact that eCarnival was not an impressive technical event like earlier ones, this was my first experience of been an exhibitor in a large ICT exhibition. I got the great opportunity of meeting a lot of new friends and working hand in hand with .Net user group buddies and SL MVPs. This was the first time I met the newest SL MVP Buddhike.

Thanks for W# and all other ppl who gave me this opportunity.

Friday, December 02, 2005

First Night @ eCarnival

Me @ eCarnival MS Stall with BIG .Net heads.I came here after office hours to coop with others. Though we don’t have that much of crowds the night is filled with fashion show, drum festivals, bla.. bla..

eCarnival 2005 @ BMICH

Its time to celebrate, eCarnival - an ICT exhibition organized by the Computer Society of Sri Lanka was scheduled to launch few minutes ago. I will be there at the Microsoft .Net User Group stall this evening after 6 o’clock and throughout the weekend.

Folks gathered @ local Microsoft office day before yesterday for initial discussions and we were there @ BMICH last evening till late to look over the stall designing. Though I am eager to be there today, I returned to office after bringing the stuff from WTC to the stall this morning coz gotta work on my good old project NLP.

You will get the chance to experience Windows Vista, Visual Studio 2005, all new Office 12 and much much more at our booth. [No: 40,41,60 and 61]. Don’t miss the event, there are some incredible giveaways too. See you there.